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Discover Your Money Personality

Unlock the Secrets of Your Financial Mindset: Discover Your Money Personality

Money personalities are the underlying psychological patterns and beliefs that influence our attitudes, behaviours, and relationships with money.  

By understanding your unique money personality, you can start making informed decisions and take control of your financial future. 

πŸ’‘the saver

  • They prioritize saving and building wealth

  • They are often budget-conscious, value security, and tend to be financially stable

  • They save up before splurging and have a hard time enjoying today because they want more security down the road


  • They derive great emotional satisfaction from splurging money and indulge in unnecessary discretionary spending

  • They don’t fear debt and often take big risks when investing

  • They use shopping as a coping mechanism for dealing with stressful situations


  • They generally spend more than they earn and don't indulge in creating budgets or investing

  • They have less emotional attachment to their financial matters and they usually have many liabilities

  • They pay little attention to their spending habits and tend to make impulse purchases

πŸ’‘THE investor

  • They understand and value financial freedom

  • They utilize their finances strategically and are often inclined towards long-term planning

  • They possess a forward-looking perspective that extends beyond their immediate needs, wants, and desires

The self-awareness that money personalities activate is the key to FINANCIAL WELL-BEING!

It helps us to create a more mindful and conscious relationship with money.

So, what is your type?