Have you ever wondered how to kickstart a property investment journey with limited savings?
Today we share a success story of one of our clients who was able to unlock multiple properties with just $30,000 in savings.


  • Our client migrated to Australia in 2012 and built a career in the Education Sector.

  • After receiving her citizenship, she was determined to start investing in property and build long-term wealth.


  • She had limited savings, $30k to be precise.

  • She reached out to our team seeking advice on how to kickstart her investment journey.


  • Our team defined a tailored strategy and recommended the use of government grants to get an early entry into the market.

  • The strategy was well received, and we set the ball rolling to get them their first property.


  • Our team sourced a 3 bedroom off-the-plan townhome (in 2020) in a growing suburb that enabled them to benefit from HomeBuilder Grant, Stamp Duty Savings, and First Home Buyers Grant, representing over $50,000 in benefits.

  • The first home was recently settled, and they were ecstatic with the news that the latest property valuation was $90,000 higher than the original purchase price.

  • Clients took out the additional equity and used it to secure their next investment property.


  • The couple is now convinced that investing is the best way to put their money to work.

  • In her own words: "I used to think that I should focus on my career first, and I would start investing sometime in the future. Team SONI has helped me to change my mindset, and now I have already secured two properties in one year with only $30,000 in savings to start with."


If you are willing to start investing in property, Team SONI can help you get educated and craft a bespoke strategy to kickstart your journey to wealth.

Book your free Wealth Consultation today. A simple chat with our experts can clarify your questions and give you the confidence you need to get started:

✅ You’ll get an accurate understanding of your potential as a property investor.

✅ We will help you define your financial goals together with realistic milestones.

✅ You’ll discover personalised strategies to make your money work harder for you.

✅You will experience our proven system to help you reach your financial goals faster.